Developing a tool to map public issues for government employees
THE CUSTOMER: Ministry of Agriculture
Case Study
As part of a broad initiative to streamline bureaucratic processes, the Government Innovation Department sought to create a simple and everyday tool that would assist regulators in analyzing public problems and encourage the development of precise and rapid solutions.
We set out with a preliminary sketch developed by the client. In an ideation process, we sought ways to increase the tool's effectiveness as an instrument for analyzing a wide range of problems. We saw that the tool could allow users to view the problem from a fresh perspective, significantly advancing solution finding. Additionally, we understood the need to improve the user experience with the tool, so we aimed to provide users with satisfaction from its use.
In the development process, we built five prototypes, which we tested with several users. Observing regulators working with the prototypes allowed us to identify the drivers and barriers affecting them. Following each test, we analyzed the user experience in depth and subsequently designed an updated version. The insights from the tests were incorporated into the tool's structure, wording, and graphic language. To encourage creative thinking, we integrated methods from the world of design thinking into the tool.
The tool's design transformed it into a complete and accessible tool that invites users to utilize it. Additionally, the design enhances the success experience, thereby increasing the likelihood of the tool's repeated use.
Graphic Design: Yaara Hirsch
A digital tool comprising five simple steps that assists government employees in analyzing public problems within their area of responsibility. The tool allows users to examine the problem from different angles, distance themselves from preconceptions and assumptions, and think about it in a new and creative way.
"Working with CONTEXT was characterized by flexibility. This was true in terms of thought process, the structure of the process, and finally, in the design iterations. This enabled the creation of a tool that is both significantly useful and user-friendly."
(Guy Mor - Director of Regulatory Policy, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)